Hail Mary – The Krontiris Method focuses on an athlete’s holistic health. An athlete’s holistic health is the interconnection of their physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and financial being.
Mary Krontiris
Passionate about Sports Medicine and overall health & wellness from an early age, Mary has dedicated her career to sharing her knowledge and expertise to create a positive and meaningful impact in the industry.
Understanding how crucial it is to engage the entire athletic ecosystem (i.e., Institutional Administrator, Athletic Director, School Nurse, Coach, Athletic Trainer, Parent, and other affiliated Healthcare Providers) during an athlete’s career, Mary created Hail Mary. Hail Mary is an all-in-one web, tablet and mobile application designed to put an athlete’s well-being and safety first. The complete, one-stop solution application combines telehealth, holistic health, sports medicine, injury surveillance system, athlete-team management, secure communication, training and nutrition program & monitoring, sports recruitment exposure, self-directed educational content and more!
Mary’s journey of helping others started at the age of 4, after her father’s unexpected passing. From helping her family, her career helping athletes, to even taking the exam to become a firefighter to help New Yorkers in need. She entered the Body Building space and became a WBFF Professional Athlete and now an entrepreneur and founder of The Krontiris Method.
As a professional healthcare provider and an athlete, Mary understands the challenges seen on both sides. Her personal and professional life experiences inspired her to make a unique SaaS application to save the health and lives of athletes while saving families, educational – sports institutions, insurance companies and the government from unnecessary healthcare spending.
As a child, Mary understands the feeling of not being safe and healthy. Her passion in life is to have a massive and meaningful impact on our children’s health and safety. Mary’s mission is to have athletes reach their highest potential, physically, mentally, and spiritually, to bring back the fun and love of sports while ensuring “Safety First to Prevent the Worst ™”
Everything Starts
with a Story
The Origin of Hail Mary in Sports
The history of Hail Mary mentioned in sports traces back to 1922, Notre Dame vs Georgia Tech football game. Notre Dame players would recite a “Hail Mary” prayer in the huddle before scoring a touchdown. After seeing a pattern of scoring consecutive touch downs, Notre Dame offensive lineman Noble Kizer said, “Say, that Hail Mary play is the best play we’ve got!”
Fast forward to 1935, the “Game of the Century” against Notre Dame and Ohio State. With 32 seconds left on the clock, Notre Dame completed a 19-yard winning touchdown pass, recalling the victory as a “Hail Mary play.”
The story of Hail Mary – The Krontiris Method is a non-dogmatic approach for B2B organizations charged with the responsibility of keeping their athletes’ healthy & safe.

Noble Kizer, Notre Dame Offensive Lineman turned towards his teammates in the huddle and said, “Boys, let’s have a Hail Mary.”

Four Horsemen of Notre Dame Coach Jim Crowley, Former Notre Dame halfback Coach Elmer Layden, Former teammate referred to the play as a “Hail Mary” pass

Noble Kizer, Notre Dame Offensive Lineman turned towards his teammates in the huddle and said, “Boys, let’s have a Hail Mary.”

Four Horsemen of Notre Dame
Coach Jim Crowley, Former Notre Dame halfback Coach Elmer Layden, Former teammate referred to the play as a “Hail Mary” pass